Monday, May 5, 2014

in search of: jar projects

I've been collecting jars because I can't stomach tossing a perfectly good container into the trash. When I say collecting, I don't mean I'm out there picking through the trash in search of jars- just that I keep every jar that we buy. Between all of the salsa and tahini we buy, my collection is becoming rather large. I wish there were a way I could just take the jars that I have for a refill of their contents instead of buying new jars every time. Oh the good ol' days.

Poor coat of paint
and zero direction.
 I need to repurpose or find a craft project that could put these jars to use. I've been combing Pinterest, but I haven't been struck with much inspiration there. I just don't know what to do with them all as I personally don't have any use for them all. I need to figure something out soon though because I'm outgrowing my storage box and my husband's tolerance for the pack rat behavior.  

Have any good suggestions or ideas? Share them in the comments. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

photo challenge: week twenty-one

Okay so I'm cheating a bit this week because I really want to stick to my schedule. Today is photo challenge Friday and I've been busy running errands and doing chores all day. Now here I am, trapped underneath sleeping Maki. I dare not get up to go the computer. So I am posting from my phone. And as any new mom can tell you, my phone gallery is pretty much all Maki. 
As the weather has been warming up lately, Maki and I have been venturing outside. He loves outside. This week has been rainy, but Maki didn't let that stop him. We spent some time poking around outside of the house. 
And so for my photo this week I present, Maki.