Friday, January 24, 2014

catching up with the joneses

We're not the Joneses but you get the point. 
Okay okay, I know I haven't posted in quite some time. It's not for lack of content, I actually have possible blog topics run through my mind quite often throughout the day. The problem has been that I kinda don't have time. This may sound weird considering I'm a stay at home mom, but it's true. My "me time" is made up of stolen moments in between chores, Maki's naps and Daddy time. {break for cranky, teething Maki}
But here's a quick update of what's been the haps' 'round here:
Maki is nearing 9 months! So awesome. He's a super crawler. He pulls himself up to standing. He's beginning to let go just long enough to realize he's standing on his own and panic. He has 2 and 2 halves teeth {bottom two are completely in, top two are still coming in}. He's super active. He loves his activity table. We jokingly call it his deejay table because he loves the music mode and when he's on it he looks like a deejay playing a set. He's still breastfed {not technically exclusively, but pretty much exclusively}. We are still trying to introduce solids. He's not too interested in food. He just wants to be included in what we're having at the dinner table. He likes apples, oranges, veggie chips {and chicken bones}. He doesn't really like purees. He did them maybe for a week or so, and then was over it. So the Baby Bullet is basically Mommy's smoothie maker. We're still gluten, egg and dairy free. We are thinking of making our way to the meat free side as well, but for now we're just limiting our meat to no more than 4 times a week.
I think this about catches us up, I am committing myself to do a written post at least once a week. So be back soon!

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